#OnTheRoad2Justice #EnCaminoHaciaLaJusticia #WeAreEssentials #VamosConTodo
As TPS holders, we are here to raise our voices for all TPS communities. We also know that all immigrants and refugees are under attack: We are here for the children who are still incarcerated, for the thousands of political prisoners who are in detention centers for the mere fact of seeking a decent life. For those under DACA, Asylum applicants who are denied due process, and for millions of undocumented and mixed status families who remain in limbo waiting for a fair legalization without exclusions. – NO ESTAN SOLOS.
The National TPS Alliance is formed and led by TPS beneficiaries from across the United States. there is more than 70 committees across the US and over ten non-profit organizations, groups and unions providing support. In Oregon the National TPS Alliance PDX is organizing to identify every TPS holder in the area and unite to fight for the residency.
Want to help with the TPS committees in Oregon?
Unidos podremos lograr una residencia permanente. Ven y unete TPSiano que la lucha es nuestra, y la vamos a ganarDescarga los documentos necesarios para tu empleador, Con estos documentos podrás comprobar que tu permiso de trabajo sigue siendo valido para trabajar.
The TPS Temporary protection status for many people from HAITI, NEPAL, HONDURAS, EL SALVADOR, NICARAGUA, GUINEA,
SOMALIA, SUDAN, SYRIA, LIBERIA, SOUTH SUDAN, SIERRA LEONA, YEMEN. Are terminated by the Trump administration.
The TPS community allover in the U.S are getting organize to represent themselves and fight for a permanent residency.

Después de vivir en EE.UU por más de 20 años creo que ya nos merecemos la residencia permanente. Yo soy dueña de casa y mandarme a el Salvador sería una tragedia, No solo para mi sino también para mis hijos ciudadanos y el resto de mi familia que dependen de mí, pero también no olvidemos que hay quien depende de nuestros servicios. Yo estoy bien orgullosa de vivir en este país, trabajando duro y pagando mis impuestos. Porque no darnos la oportunidad de ser residentes permanentes, Nosotros no hacemos daño a nadie, no estamos aquí para crear problemas a nadie. Queremos este país porque es el país donde entregamos 20 años de nuestras vidas siempre trabajando duro, Ana Méndez dice con su voz fuerte al mismo tiempo que trata de no mostrar su tristeza a sus hijos al hablar sobre lo devastador que sería perder el TPS sin derecho a una residencia permanente: Si nos deportan a El Salvador no sabemos qué pasaría con nuestras vidas, la vida de nuestros hijos

Patricia Hernandez
Is a beneficiary of the TPS Temporary Protection Status. She is been in U.S for over 20 years. She is a dental technician, Mather, Business Owner but also a good community member that is always ready to help others. Patricia is part of the Local and national TPS Alliance fighting for Permanent Residency for those who are under the TPS. It’s about time Patricia Says, We are good people and we deserve to get the Permanent Residency.

I am from El Salvador and I being living in U.S. for over 29 years, I ‘m a TPS holder, since I come to U.S, I being working nonstop, paying my taxes, following the rules and laws of this country Said Ronal. I think it’s fair for us to claim the Permanent residency now, we made our life in this country. we give our youth to this country, and now they tell us that the TPS is no longer on option for us and that we have to go back to a country where we don’t know anymore. After we give our life working hard helping with the economy of this nation, is not fair and is not right to just cancel the TPS, that’s why I stand up with my people, brother countries under the TPS Status and community in general to fight for permanent residency, we need your support.

My wife is a TPS Recipient and she work hard in this country, We both work hard to bring food to the table, to provide for our kids. it will be a tragedy if she get deported.
I don’t know how we will handle a situation like that, we don’t want to go true that ecenery, our kids born in U.S and they deserve to stay here with their mother and father, My kids depend from us. We own a house, We follow the law. We being paying for the TPS permit every 18 months and we have to go true a scrutiny process, if in the screening process we have any mistake including a Ticket it can put us in deportation proceeding. We the TPS Holder are people of a goodwill. and we looking forward to see that TPS become Permanent Residency soon. Godofredo Said

My name is Silvia Martinez, president of the TPSianos committee in Oregon, I feel very proud to be part of the TPSianos struggle here in Oregon. After more than 20 years working and helping the economy of this country, I realize that we are the engine that keeps this beautiful nation going. Because we maintain the integrity of this country with our work. We are not asking for charity but yes for our right to live with freedom in the country where we belong and dedicate our live to, because we give a lot to this country….
I want to thanks every one, every organization that is investing a lot helping us with the TPS struggle not only local but also national and international. We want to outreach the other communities that it hasn’t yet join our committees. Please come forward, we are not alone. thousands of people are standing with us to defend the TPS.
TPS To Residency Now