
Thank you for donating to Radio Jornalera VIVA

When you contribute to the (Radio Jornalera),you are helping the movement of people who stand with and fight for at-risk members of our society. Radio Jornalera VIVA  advances justice for immigrants by providing tools for empowerment and leadership in the communities defending our people against unscrupulous anti-immigrant policies, and ICE raids. We work to provide safe spaces for communities, where our affected members can tell their own stories using the Radio Jornalera platform, we create changes from the bottom up, we know that when you empower the most at-risk communities and build policies to protect them, all members of society benefit and become empowered as well. Let’s do it together.

Radio Jornalera VIVA is Located at Augustana Lutheran Church In Portland OR 2710 SE 14th Ave Portland OR 97212.